Dit zijn de afstanden die er per dag gefietst zijn. Dag 4 was de rustdag.Dag 5 en 6 waren de dagen dat we rond hebben gereden in de Veluwe zonder bagage.


Prelude Bram
This year, we left on another cycling adventure. We decided to cycle from our homes in the Netherlands to Marseille and back. At least I (Bram) did, just like last year; Bart found out two weeks before departure that I also intended to cycle back. To make it even harder, we planned to climb Mt. Ventoux and return over the Alps.
Prelude Bart
Last year, we realized we could cycle to the south of France in 2 or 3 weeks. Therefore, we planned to cycle all the way to the Mediterranean Sea and back, which would be about 2500 km. As part of our preparations, we bought lots of new gear, including a lighter tent, a better stove, and fast-drying clothes. I also bought a new bike, because the mountain bike I used last year wasn't worth repairing.

The bicycles from last year, with all the gear we carried.

My new bike with all gear, including a home-made map stand

I carried much less luggage than last year

Bram only carried two bags this time.
I planned the route much better than last year. I also memorized it and bought a better (1:200 000) map. We also were much better trained. I cycled 26 km daily to go to school, and Bram 46 km for his internship. In total, we also cycled about 900 km on our racing bikes.