Dit zijn de afstanden die er per dag gefietst zijn. Dag 4 was de rustdag.Dag 5 en 6 waren de dagen dat we rond hebben gereden in de Veluwe zonder bagage.

South Greenland - Day 21 : Igaliku
It was again a beautiful day. The sun was out early and it was nice and warm. Because of my light(er) backpack and the lack of mosquitoes I could walk in a t-shirt. It took about an hour to reach Igaliku. Along the way I passed a campsite and talked with a man who had sailed there from Qaqortoq. He had intended to walk the distance but had gotten ill. Then I passed an open tent in which a half dressed girl was fixing her hair. We both started laughing, her boyfriend not so much. I still need to try out my Greenlandic pickup line: "have you seen a polar bear, because I need something to break the ice".
Igaliku looked amazing. I bought a ticket for the ferry and talked for a while with the girl working in the postal office. She seemed to really enjoy working there. She was originally from Denmark and this was her summer job. Before going to the store I took a break to enjoy another nice view. This must have been one of the most beautiful villages I have ever visited. During the summer there were a reasonable amount of tourists, but during winter there supposedly only lived 30 people here.

The view over Igaliku
There also happened to be two Dutch women who had just arrived and planned on walking in the area. After dinner I headed out towards a viewpoint. There was quite a long gravel road to reach it, including a 300m elevation difference. The view was very nice, looking out over the glacier next to Narsarsuaq. There were 5 French people who I talked with. They said they had seen me on the campsite in Narsarsuaq last week. To have a change of scenery, I took a different route back than the one over the gravel road. That turned out to be a long detour and quite hilly.

24 degrees in the shade
Eventually I made it back in one piece and camped along a lake, a few kilometers north of Igaliku. Although this day was intended to be a rest day I still walked 17-18 km and climbed a good amount.